Biological Safety Cabinet Class 2
WEIBER Biological Safety Cabinet Class II is an open-front, ventilated cabinet. This cabinet provides a HEPA/ULPA-filtered, recirculated mass airflow within the work space. The exhaust air from the cabinet is also filtered by HEPA/ULPA filters. Thus, the Class II biosafety cabinet will provide personnel, environment and product protection. While HEPA/ULPA filters are effective for trapping particulates and infectious agents, these filters will not capture volatile chemicals or gases

The use of a Biological Safety Cabinet Class 2 in the microbiological laboratory offers the additional capability and advantage of protecting materials contained within it from extraneous airborne contaminants. This capability is provided by the HEPA-filtered, recirculated mass airflow within the workspace.
It is suitable for the containment of biohazardous materials and unlike the Class I biosafety cabinet, it is also suitable as a sterile environment for cell cultures.