Walk In Hydroponics Test Chambers
The Walk in Hydroponics Test Chamber from Weiber are fully enclosed, self-contained plant growth chambers, designed to provide a cost effective solution to getting bigger harvests in smaller spaces and less time. These equipments use advanced technological features and an energy efficient design to provide optimum growth conditions for all stages of plant growth. They are designed to meet all the ventilation, lighting and temperature requirements for different plant species, providing a safe and aesthetic area for growing different types of plants in an aerated solution of nutrients.

These growth chambers provide a standard technique for growing plants in an artificial laboratory environment for various biological research and teaching applications. They come equipped with a nutrient reservoir featuring a customized lid inside the chamber with enough built-in capacity. The plants absorb the nutrients though their roots that remain submerged into a dilute solution containing organic or inorganic nutrients to meet their entire nutrient requirement. Since plant growth can also be affected considerably due to inadequate lighting, these hydroponics chambers also come equipped with an efficient lighting system fitted at the top of the chamber. They might use compact fluorescent bulbs for reduced energy consumption, LED grow lights or more reliable HID bulbs to provide solar energy for enabling plant photosynthesis. The whole cabinet is lined with foil for maximum reflection of light back at the plants and features a transparent window in the front for increased visibility.