High Low Temperature Test Chamber (ACM-121400-HL)
The Temperature Test Chambers from Weiber are climatic test chambers, designed to simulate highly precise high and low temperature environments for the testing of electrical and electronics items, metallic products, automobile parts, food items, biological samples, chemicals, building materials and other wide variety of processed and packaged goods. These High Low Temperature Test Chambers find widespread usage in manufacturing units, quality control units and scientific research organizations and are commonly employed for heat endurance test, cold endurance test and humidity and dryness endurance tests of products. These tests help in determining the product performance in specific environments and also help in identifying any manufacturing flaws and in determining its stability and shelf life.

These High Low Temperature Chambers from Weiberare essentially double walled equipments that feature an inner bladder made up of high grade SUS 304 stainless steel plates and an outer bladder made up of plastic coated A3 steel plates. The equipment uses high-tech insulation system for maximum thermal efficiency. The test chamber also uses a high intensity, high temperature resistant double layered seal between the chamber door and the chamber wall that completely seals off the internal environment from the external environment once the door is closed. The chamber door is provided with an observation window for complete visibility of the test process, allowing real-time observation and analysis.